25 Years Anniversary

Vast Knowledge And Well-Rounded Experience To Every Legal Matter

Group photo of Christine Gale, Frederick N. Frank, Gregory M. Pocrass and John G. Harshman
25 Years Anniversary


Strategic Guidance On Business Litigation Matters

Litigation is a core area of practice at the law firm of Frank, Gale, Bails & Pocrass, P.C. Our legal team includes talented litigators with a wealth of experience advocating for business interests in multiple forums.

We understand not only the nuances of litigation, but also the business considerations that factor into legal disputes.

Our attorneys work closely with clients to accomplish their objects in a strategic and efficient manner.

Serving A Diverse Business Clientele Both Locally And Nationwide

Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, we represent business clients ranging from local entrepreneurs and small businesses to major corporations on a nationwide scale. Our attorneys handle business litigation matters, including:

  • Contract disputes
  • Vendor disputes
  • Commercial leasing disputes
  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Mechanic’s liens
  • Dissolution disputes
  • Appellate litigation
  • Other business-related disputes

The Advantage Of Well-Rounded Insight

Because our firm maintains a well-rounded practice spanning multiple fields of law, we offer clients the benefit of balanced insight, drawing on a wide range of perspectives to provide trusted legal counsel. Our corporate counseling practice informs and enhances our ability to protect clients’ interests when legal disputes arise.

In addition to representing clients in the courtroom, we also appear in administrative proceedings before municipal and state governing agencies. Our lawyers enjoy a respected reputation across all of these venues for their skilled advocacy.

Learn More

To discuss your litigation needs, please contact our firm at 412-471-3000. Our office is centrally located in the Gulf Tower in downtown Pittsburgh.