Shareholders Frederick N. Frank and Christina Gale moderated panels at the 2016 Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Family Law Section Winter Meeting in Lancaster, Pennsylvania this past week.
Christine Gale moderated a workshop and was also panelist on “Navigating the Intricacies of Tax Issue in Family Law”. Attorney Gale is a past chair of the PBA Family Law Section and has been a panelist and author on all nineteen of the annual “Family Law Updates” with the Pennsylvania Bar Institute, focusing particularly on tax issues.
Frederick N. Frank moderated a plenary session on “Practice and Procedure before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court: A View from the Bench and Bar”, which included Chief Justice of Pennsylvania Thomas G. Saylor and Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice-elect David N. Wecht as panelists. Attorney Frank has served as vice chair of the Pennsylvania Appellate Procedural Rules Committee and currently serves as a member of the committee on Rules of Evidence.